
Zeke discovered that there were more branches of the U.S. military much more secretive than the Navy SEALS. Given the particulars of his service record, he was not consulted but was simply ordered into a new training program. He was still part of the military, yet was no longer wearing a uniform. He was being trained as an ‘operator.’ On his part, Zeke had no idea what he was going to operate after graduation. All the courses he was thrown were interactive. He had to participate in all phases with his sleeves rolled up. Nothing was written on paper and all the tests had the implied a ‘succeed or die’ quality. The training carved into his DNA that there are no ‘do overs;’ so he must succeed at first try, every time. Zeke soon realized it the master’s degree he had earned earlier was a major recommendation for his present circumstances. The new training required quite a bit more brain power than what he had expended while earning his graduate degree. In fact, what he was being taught was more than another master’s degree in world governance. Zeke absorbed it all; or, he thought he did. Only his future actions would demonstrate the result.